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"If you want something you've never had,

you must be willing to do something

you've never done."

–Thomas Jefferson


How It Works

The Program That Changes Lives

Using a Train-the-Trainer approach, Club Wellness allows your provider organization, school or club to become an accredited Club Wellness site. You select staff or faculty to become trained and certified as a Club Wellness Trainer during an active in-person workshop brought to your site.  Your Trainers receive ongoing support from Club Wellness.

Club Wellness in a Provider Organization or Community Setting

You can offer Club Wellness in a variety of ways. Club Members attend sessions independently at a Community Center, or through a Provider Organization (day support programs or with residential groups). Club Members can choose to bring a friend, relative, coworker or care provider, allowing you to promote inclusion.


Because Club Wellness includes pre- and post-testing of achievement and lifestyle surveys, the program can be instrumental in helping to achieve ISP health-related goals.

Club Wellness in a School Setting

Club Wellness uses a unique structure that allows students of all ages, educational levels and fitness levels to  participate together, while improving fitness and nutrition behaviors,  working at their own level.


Teachers can use the step-by-step turn-key curriculum, requiring no extra prep time.  Because Club Wellness includes pre- and post-testing of achievement, and lifestyle surveys, the program can be instrumental in helping to achieve and document IEP health related goals.

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